Tuesday 31 January 2017

Title Sequence

Title Sequence


The genre of The Conjuring is a horror movie, and the sub-genre is a supernatural horror. The genre can be made evident from the title sequence as the frames are heavily grey and dark and appear to be eccentric with an eerie audio over the top. Furthermore, in some of the frames, the images contain suspicious photos of the supernatural ghostly world and match the genre as the alleged captured footage frightens the audience and provokes the belief or the paranormal world.


The music to The Conjuring is a slow and dull piece that makes the viewer feel slightly discouraged to check over their shoulder with the slow pace contributing to the frightening factor of a spirit creepy up behind. The nervous feel from the music ties in to the horror genre as the music emphasises the scariness of the movie and further gives the images are more frightening appearance.


The text used in the title sequence is ranges from black to white as well as the occasional grey, this could be due to these colours being regarded as 'dead' colours and lifeless. The grey is used to match and convey the age of the photos, the photos are old and grey and the ghostly grey writing adds to the portrayal of the haunting in the old fashioned house. Black is also a dull tone and is therefore used to represent the 'dead, haunted' feel, Black is regarded as lifeless so is therefore perfect for the horror film devised around the dead and haunting. White is used to stand out against the dark photos set as the background, the sequence would need to stand out and despite white being a brighter colour it still benefits the creepy feel to the movie and the element of the dead.

An Overall impression

The title sequence gives an overall impression that The Conjuring is a very scary and creepy film. The images in the sequence clearly convey what the film is about; a large family who report their house to be haunted and two, experienced paranormal investigators arrive to help them and document their case. The music conveys the genre with creepy __ music that gives the photos are more unnerving feel and further portrays the horror of the film. The images, as well as presenting the story, convey the horror of the film, showing creepy images of ghosts and an old fashioned family in New England, America.

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