Saturday 7 January 2017

Supernatural Horror Films- Iconography (Individual)

Iconography is where you link certain objects to a certain genre or sub genre of a type of film. Supernatural horror has several different objects that people associate with a horror film as it makes them feel scared and they're able to predict whats going to happen.

Dolls/Children's Toys

People always associate creepy dolls with the idea of them being possessed or coming to life of their own accord. Whether it's a film that is completely about a doll such as Chucky or Annabel or the beginning scene during the Woman In Black which begins with three little girls playing with their dolls. Whether it's their blank stares or strange smiles they are often the creepiest of the iconography.

Video Tapes
The Ring

Because of The Ring franchise video tapes are becoming more stereotypical during horror movies. The video tape is now associated with fear and try to predict what is going to happen in the future as well as the fear the audience begins to feel for a character when they find a tape.


Because of the hard gaze from the photos or the way their eyes follow you across the room is now associated with the supernatural horror genre as they often contain a terrifying backstory. The fear of paintings most likely came from the old horror story of Bloody Mary that has escalated into films such as The Woman In Black; Angel Of Death where the Woman appears in a broken picture frame.

Religious Objects

The Amityville Horror
Religious objects are now associated with supernatural horror due to the rise in films about possession and exorcisms. They now bring fear to the audience due to the fact that something is often about to go wrong during the film. One of the most popular to show a religious object is The Exorcist or The Others. Another film it can be seen in is The Amityville Horror.

The Woman In Black: Angel Of Death

Shadows are one of the most iconic features of a supernatural horror as they often contain a type of creature transitioning or a shadow that doesn't up with the object or person in front of them. The shadows often strike up a fear in the audience that has them checking their shadow the whole way home after watching the film making it essential to the film itself. 

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