Sunday 15 January 2017

Movie certificates

Movie Certificates

The letter “U” is an abbreviation for “Universal” and is suitable for all ages, mainly those aged over 4 as the content is highly unlikely to upset/disturb or offend its audience. Universal films restrain away from any violence or horror content and all “U” films can be labeled as suitable for pre-school children due to their lack of violence and adult language. “U” films avoid all use of discriminatory language and behaviour as well as anti-social behaviour as young children often copy what they see on screens therefore all behaviour such as this must be avoided. Drugs, nudity and sexual content is also disapproved of in “U” films, illegal/misused drugs are avoided to give an educational view to their viewers, nudity is limited and sexual content stretches as far as kissing with no offensive actions. Linking back to the prohibited violence and threatening language, any example of this in a film will be mild and restrained as much as possible. Language and violence will be mild at the most and aggressive violence is only stretched beyond mild in cartoon/animated films where their action is usually unrealistic.  Following on from this, any examples of threats are mild and highly unlikely to cause anxiety or unsettling emotions and all anti-social behaviour is disapproved to prevent any influences on young children unless the content comes from an unrealistic context, such as animation/cartoon.
Image result for u filmsImage result for u films

“PG” is an abbreviation for “Parental Guidance” where the film is for general viewing but may be unsuitable for young children and are aimed to those aged 8 and over. Despite this, any aged child may watch the film- even if they are under the age of 8, but parents are advised to judge whether the film is appropriate and that the content won’t upset their child. Discrimination is rarely apparent in PG films but could be used in educated or historical context (that isn’t usually appealing to children) but characters who could influence children are prohibited from using discriminatory behaviour or language. In addition to the limits on language, mild language is acceptable but the boundary is tight between language being acceptable in a PG film to language you’d hear in a 12A/12 film. Drugs are acceptable providing they are used in a suitable context and nudity is allowed providing it is restrained from any sexual activity. Sexual activity can be implied but any action of this must be brief and mostly off-screen, sex references and innuendoes are acceptable. Threats and violence are usually very short and mild unless it is used in a fantasy or historical context whereas any examples of dangerous anti-social behaviour isn’t allowed to prevent young children copying.
Image result for pg filmsImage result for pg films

Films around this certificate are suitable for ages 12 and over containing material unsuitable for those under this age and a couple of years from teenagehood. A child judged under the age of is only allowed to view the film providing they’re accompanied by an adult and the adult should judge whether the film is suitable for their child. Discrimination is shallow and usually avoided by this certificate, strong language on the other hand may be allowed depending on the manner and conversational context but is rarely spoken and mostly avoided. Drugs, also, aren’t permitted along with any anti-social behaviour which poses to be threatening to avoid children copying. Nudity is allowed but all sexual content must be brief, sexual references are okay but not to be frequently included. Threats and violence are permitted, usually depending on the films genre; physical and psychological horror, if a scene is judged to have violence that is too disturbing then it is prohibited or resulting in the film’s certificate rising. If the violence is suitable then injuries and blood/gore should be very brief and suitable to context- sexual violence can be implied (discretely) but avoided on screen.
Image result for 12/12a filmsImage result for 12/12a films

Films with a “15” rating are suitable for audiences age 15 and over and anyone under this age are not allowed to rent or buy the film. Despite the fact “15” rated films allow discriminatory language and behaviour, the film mustn't promote discrimination. Racist, homophobic and other discriminatory language are allowed but the same rules apply and can’t be promoted. Strong language is additionally accepted however mustn't be overused or unnecessarily used. Drug taking falls under the same category as discrimination, whilst consuming is allowed to be shown it cannot be used to promote drug taking, any highly dangerous substances however are unacceptable. Dangerous and suicidal behaviour can be shown but the most graphic aspects of this context should be brief. Following on from this, violence can be shown but the injuries and the infliction of pain should be brief and the gory images and sections are prohibited. Very strong violence and sexual violence is not acceptable and verbal detail and reference to such violence is acceptable but the physical depiction of it is to be remained off-screen, this is the same for any sexual threats- to remain off-screen. Nudity is allowed as well as in the context of sex or without, sexual content is acceptable but not in too much detail, the strongest aspect of the sexual depiction is to be verbal and off-screen, sexual stimulations and arousement are commonly inferred from off-screen.
Image result for 15 rated filmsImage result for certificate 15 films

Anyone under the age of 18 is restricted from watching the film and cannot buy or sent the film. An “18” film can contain content showing dangerous behaviour in society as well as illegal drugs and toxins that could cause harm but also not promote this. High levels of violence and sexual violence can be portrayed but shouldn’t create the sense that all victims take pleasure out of sexual violence and this should be minimal as possible. Sexual activity, including explicit activity, is permitted along with sexual stimulants and arousals. This can include real sex and explicit content of the sexual act but cannot be too strongly explicit as this would raise the content to R18 (Restricted 18). Overall, certificate 18 is allowed to show all content providing it isn’t too strongly explicit and doesn’t promote the use of strong violence and drug misuse.  
Image result for certificate 18Image result for fifty shades of grey movie

R18 films are only allowed to be shown in specific licensed cinemas or to be supplied in licensed sex shops and specifically to be adults only. R18 films mainly contain explicit sexual content and is only available for adults and can only be purchased face to face due to the restriction of this certificate being so serious and limited.
Image result for R18 moviesImage result for R18 movies

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