Sunday 1 January 2017

Supernatural Horror Film - Settings/Scenes (INDIVIDUAL)

Supernatural horror opens up a large variety of ideas for settings and scenes. Obviously, the purpose of a horror film is to scare and intimidate viewers watching the film so the settings and scenes have to be in turn, mysterious and horrifying.

Usually, the conventions of supernatural horror show a paranormal experience or presence in a household where characters will live. This makes the film creepily realistic as it is set in an everyday and normalized setting.

Image result for sinister house
Sinister (2012) is featured mainly in a realistic household setting in America.

Another example of a setting for a supernatural film has to be the most obvious of all, a haunted or abandoned house. Many may see this as a cliche setting for a film with the genre of horror, but it always has a sense of mystery in it. Because the house is aging and has plenty of history, it offers a scary sense of past events that could return in the form of supernatural presences.
Image result for the woman in black houseImage result for the woman in black house
This setting in the 'Woman in Black' features a creepy, ancient mansion which is clearly abandoned and has a large past behind it. 
A location suited for a supernatural horror would also have to be the forest. This setting is an appropriate one for a supernatural horror film because a forest is in the middle of nowhere usually, which leaves characters involved helpless with nobody nearby in times of need. A wood can also be seen as very mysterious, where many things can hide and lurk behind trees and forestry. 
Image result for the blair witch project setting
The Blair Witch Project is a good example of the location being a forest. They go missing with only video footage to investigate where they are now. The forest is a great location in horror to offer a sense of mystery and the unknown.

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