Sunday 15 January 2017

National Film Ratings

U- Universal

A universal film is a film that is suitable for an audience aged four years and over however overall it’s impossible to know what might upset any particular child as none of the children will have the same fears. The films themselves should have a positive story line and if any violence, horror or threat occurs it should offer something that would reassure the child. Any mention of drugs should be infrequent and be harmless unless it has an educational purpose or even a message that is suitable for the viewing of the young children. It shouldn’t contain any dangerous or antisocial behaviour and if it does it should clearly be disapproved of. It can occasionally contain nudity with no sexual content and if it contains any sexual content it should only be mild for example kissing. If it contains any threat that is unsettling it should be mild and unlikely to cause anxiety to younger viewers which can contain mild violence for example if it’s justified such as being animated or unrealistic. An example of a U film is Inside Out. 

PG- Parental Guidance

This is very similar to a U however this is for general viewing yet some scenes may be unsuitable for young children. A PG film should not unsettle a child older than eight years old. Unaccompanied children of any age should be able to watch yet their parents are advised to think about whether the content may upset younger or even more sensitive children. There can be inconspicuous references to drugs or a suitable anti-drugs message. If there’s any imitable behaviour that children could copy and there is no glamorisation of any easily accessible weapons such as kitchen utensils. There’s only mild bad language without using it frequently throughout the film. There may be nudity with no sexual content. Sexual activity can be implied through references and innuendos however it should be infrequent. If there’s any threat it should be short and not intense however a fantasy setting would be a less sever setting with mild violence however the violence could be more severe if it is justified by the context it is in for example a fantasy or comedy. An example of a PG film could be Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone.

12A/12- Suitable for 12 Years and Over

A film classified as a twelve would contain certain material that is not generally suitable for children aged under twelve years of age. However if the film is classed as a 12A this means that a child under the age of twelve can’t watch the film unless they are accompanied by an adult and any adult thinking of letting a child watch a 12A should consider whether to let the child watch the film. The discriminatory language in the film should have a reason to be used to make the film make sense as a whole. Aggressive language is unlikely to be used unless there is a clear reason. Drugs should not be glamorised and should be infrequent throughout the film. There should be no behaviour which children are likely to copy and there should be no glamorisation of realistic and easily accessible weapons and there is no endorsement of antisocial behaviour. Moderate language is allowed and strong language may be permitted depending on the manner in which it is used, who is using it and how frequent it is used. It also may be allowed depending on the special contextual justification. There may be nudity however the sexual content must be discrete and brief whilst references must be infrequent. There may be physiological threat and horror sequences however more disturbing scenes should not be permitted. Violence is allowed but should not be dwelled upon with no emphasis on the injuries and occasionally gory moments are allowed.

15- Suitable for Fifteen Years and Over

This rating means that no one younger that fifteen may see a fifteen film in a cinema due to the contents of the film. The work must not endorse discriminatory behavior or language although it can contain different discriminatory themes and language. It is acceptable to show the taking of drugs although it is not acceptable to encourage it or to show the misuse of easily accessible drugs or very dangerous substances such as aerosols. Dangerous behavior should not be put into detail that could be copied and easily accessible weapons may be allowed depending on the context of the situation. Strong language is acceptable however it is dependent on the context, who is using the language and it's frequency throughout the whole film. Nudity during the film is acceptable in a non-sexual or educational context but can also be used during sexual activity without any detail and innuendos are acceptable as long as they aren't too strong. A strong threat or horror is allowed as long as it isn't in a sexual or sadistic context. Violence can be strong but it shouldn't dwell on the infliction and if it is too gory its unacceptable. Depiction of sexual violence must be discreet and justified by the context of the film as a whole. An example of a fifteen is The Breakfast Club.

18- Suitable only for Adults

No one younger than eighteen may see an eighteen film in cinemas or watch an eighteen. It usually contains everything suitable for adults that aren't suitable in the other categories. Exceptions can be made in certain contexts during the film for example if the material is in the breach of a criminal offence. If it could cause harm to individuals or their behavior in society such as violent acts or drug use. It can be rated 18R if a film includes sexual activity that may be more accessible to younger viewers and is unacceptable for cinema release. An example of a film rated eighteen is Nightmare On Elm Street.

As a whole we believe our film will be classed as a twelve due to certain elements as a whole. Imitable behavior would be used such as using easily accessible weapons such as kitchen utensils for example knives will be used in a threatening way The main reason is that there is to be a strong threat and horror context throughout because of the paranormal horror aspect of the film however the injuries that are shown aren't going to be shown fully and even though there will be certain gory parts throughout. There is certain violence shown for example when the body is discovered towards the beginning of the film.Throughout the film there would be several 'jump scares' which may unsettle younger audiences.
The first three minutes of our film for our opening scene the film may be viewed as a 12 film because it will still have several 'jump scares' such as the photo frame scene. It will also not contain violence that will be as strong as the rest of the film however there will still be a large sense of threat.

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