Monday 9 January 2017

Similar Films To Ours (Individual Research)

Overall our film will be a supernatual horror which has many popular films that are a little similar to ours through the characters, storyline, setting and several other notable things.

The Poltergeist (1982)
This is a supernatural horror in which a family move into a house where strange occourences begin to happen after the smallest child, Carol Anne announces 'they're here.' The next day she is dragged into the TV set after the family experience a day of things going wrong. The mother proceeds to rescue Carol and once they are back the family attempts to flee the house only for the 'Beast' to restrain Dianne and Robbie whilst trying to take back Carol Anne. Eventually they realise that the house has been built on a previous graveyard with only the gravestones being moved instead of the bodies.
This film is similar to ours as it contains a paranormal being that doesn't exsit in real life. The 'Beast' has similar qualities to Piper such as causing havoc to the people around her because of a motive. It also has a similar setting; a seemingly normal house that has a bad history to it. In the Poltergeist the house was built upon a graveyard and in our film someone had previously died.
The Others (2001)
This is a film about a single mother who lives in the countryside with her two children. Both of the children have a disease in which they have to live a strict life so that the children aren't exposed to sunlight. Three servents arrive to help out in the house and as they do Grace, the mother, begins to hear strange things going on around the house such as the piano being played and the next day the curtains disapear. The two children go out at night and find the servents graves at the same time that Grace discovers an old photo album with the servents in. As the three servents begin to follow the children they go hide inside with their mother who talks to Mrs Mills.
She finds out that she and the children have died because once her husband left she smothered her children with a pillow before realising what she had done and shooting herself. Mrs. Mills reveals that the people she had been hearing around the house is people that have moved in. The children loose their sensitivity to light and the current occupants drive away. Grace then states how the house is theres and no one can make them leave.
This film is very similar to ours because of several aspects. It has a similar setting of a house that is in the middle of nowhere that looks normal yet a little strange from the outside. It also has three main characters that have the strange things occouring to them by a mysterious figure around them which is what Piper will be doing throughout the film. There was also an overal motive to the deaths which is what is going to happened to Piper there is going to be n overall motive.
The Ring (2002)
This starts with two girls having a sleep over and Katie reveals that she watched a video that will end up killing her. That night Katie goes downstars only to see several strange occurences such as the TV turning itself on. Then as she rushes back upstairs she notcies watercoming out of her room and she goes in to see an image of a well on her screen before something rushes forward and kills her. At the funeral Rachel begins to look for things that went wrong and she finds out the three friends Katie watched the video with in the cabin died at the same time on the same night. Rachel goes up to the cabin and watches the video which contains disturbing images only for it to end and the phone to ring with the words 'seven days' to come through in a childish voice. 

She asks her ex-boyfriend to help analyse the video and she discovers that it has connections with the lighthouse on Moesko Island where a horse breeder whos horses commited mass suicide. Rachel's son watches the video much to Rachels dismay and she realises she needs to do something.  Rachel goes to the island on a ferry where a horse commits suicide in the same way. She talks to a man who ends up commiting suicide in a bathtub before Noah turns up. They go looking for a well and Rachel falls in experiencing a halucination. She finds Samara's body and burns it and the two then think the curse is broken. Rachel realises the curse isn't and goes to Noah only to find him dead. She realises she broke the curse by doubling it and giving it Noah so she replicates it for Aiden before the film ends in black.
This is very similar to our film as it contains a paranormal curse with a creature that is after something which is similar to Piper who is haunting her friends who were involved in her death. It also has a similar opening as both ours and the Ring begins with a sleepover between friends.

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