Wednesday 18 January 2017

Supernatural Horror Films- Distributors (Individual)

For our film I decided to look at two very different distributors; Warner Bros which is a large conglomerate which distributes films but also Terror Films which is a production and distribution company.

Warner Brothers

Warner Bros. International Television Distribution is an international company that is one of the worlds largest for television and feature films. It releases around eighteen to twenty two films per year and it is one of the most popular distributors for the supernatural horror genre. This is why I chose this particular conglomerate as they are known for some of the most well known supernatural horror films. Some of the most popular ones they have released that are similar to our film includes;

The Conjuring

The Conjuring is similar to our film as it follows a group of people being haunted by a dead spirit in their own home and it follows them trying to find out why the spirit is still there which is similar to Piper and thr group of friends during our film.

This follows a family who also are haunted in their own house and one of their own children are possessed by a demon which is similar to the group of friends being haunted by one of their own best friends.

Terror Films

Terror films are a world wide distributor who specialize in horror films across different platforms including DVD, TV and streaming who do business with different platforms such as I Tunes, Amazon and X-Box. I chose this distributor because of their specialty in horror films and how they focus on the particular genre. It also looks at a variety of horror films from supernatural to psychological which means that our film would go with the films that it specializes in. Films similar to ours that they have distributed include;

The Dark Stranger
This follows a young girl being haunted by a spirit from her favorite novel and she attempts to overcome her psychosis before it destroys her. This is a similar film to ours as it's following a demon haunting a girl around the ages of Bree and the rest of the group.

The Chosen

This follows a family where a demon attaches itself to the young girl and the family have to work together to figure out whats going on and how to send the demon back to hell which is similar to the group trying to send Piper back to go back to peace.

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