Tuesday 31 January 2017

Supernatural Horror - TITLE Sequences (INDIVIDUAL)

What is a title sequence?
A title sequence, also called an opening sequence or intro, is the method by which films or television programs present their title, key production and cast members, utilizing conceptual visuals and sound.
Every film has a title sequence so the audience know what the film is called and the main characters involved in it. The majority of the time, this sequence is at the start but in some cases they are positioned at the end of the film with the rest of the credits. These can be used to draw the audience from the beginning of the film through the words in the title sequences. Themes of the film can be shown through the words and the music playing through the title sequences. For example, if the words are red or black, there is connotations of danger, death and blood. If the music playing over the title sequence are screams, high-pitched noises and eerie noises, the audience will refer to a supernatural horror straight away.

THE NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET (2010) Has an effective opening sequence which is initially represented as a supernatural horror straight from the beginning. It has eerie music all the way through with sound effects like doors slamming, ringing bells, screeching children and gates squeaking. All these sound effects are successful in adding a sense of tension and mystery as all are related to the genre of horror.

This screenshot of the opening sequence helps the audience to get an idea of the themes of the film. For example, the two hands (can see from the clip they are children) are holding each other which shows a bond or friendship. However, what lies behind the hands in clear focus is a huge crack in the ground.  This gives the impression their bond will be split up or broken, which makes us wonder how and why. As an audience we know from the title sequence there is a large theme involving school and children. There are clips of educational play blocks surrounded by fire, rocking horses and toys, and children playing in school grounds.
The holding hands and crack in the background could represent problems that could occur in the film. 

The text in the title sequence is associated with supernatural horror. The words in the foreground of the clip are crisp fonts which look like they've been typed on screen. The colour of the text is white. However, behind the white font is the same words but in a scribbled, dark font. The contrasting fonts could give an underlying theme of the film. 

The nightmare on elm street title sequence:

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