Monday 6 March 2017

Post Production Video Questionaire

After we finished the production of the film we did a video questionnaire so that we could see what people thought of the films and whether they would go see the whole film after watching the first two minutes.
We started by asking their ages and what films they were interested in so that we could see if they fit our target audience for the film and if the genre and their favorite films were similar to ours. They were all between the ages of sixteen and seventeen which was perfect for our target audience as it allowed us to look at their answers with the understanding that they were perfect for our target audience.
When we asked about their favorite genre only one of their favorite genres' was horror however this allowed us to look at a wider range of audiences as they weren't all looking at their specific favorite film which was good as not every audience members favorite genre would be horror. This also ties in with their favorite films as only one mentioned the a horror film, 'seven psychopaths' whilst the rest were from various genres.
By asking them how they watched films it allowed us to see the best way that we would want to distribute our films. Three of the five said that they watched films through streaming sites or Netflix which would agree with the distributors that we have been looking at however the other two said that they watched theirs illegally which means that no money would go back to the film as the money wouldn't be coming back through cinemas or the streaming sites.
When asked what they thought about the film they all said it was really good and Izzy, Mitchell and Sophie enjoyed the editing on the film whilst Sophie also enjoyed the quality of the camera that we used for the film. However Theo said their was some improvements to be made which we would take into account if we made the whole film.
They all agreed that the genre was suitable for the film and that the certificate was correct which was perfect as this is what we needed for the film. The most important question was would they watch our film in which they all said that they would. They all said the music and iconography suited horror however when asked about the setting Theo said that the exterior shots would however the interior didn't so we would look at the lighting and the atmosphere of the house scenes to try and make the setting more impact to the horror genre.

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