Thursday 9 March 2017

EVALUATION - Q1 (In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?)

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

When we decided on our two-minute opening sequence being a supernatural horror, we then devised a storyline as a group. We decided on involving the mystery of a death within a friendship, as this opens up opportunities to develop answers to this later on in the film. At the end of the two minutes, the return of dead Piper is seen through the reflection in the window, which relates to the genre of supernatural horror.  

Ø  The credits appear at the beginning of the two minutes when there is little action/movement as this means the audience is not distracted later on when more significant events happen (for example: when Piper appears at the window of the kitchen)

Ø  The structure of the two minutes of the film is in linear order, however the flashback which is situated in the middle of the opening sequel is non-linear as it is a shot from the past. At the end of the opening sequel, the title sequence appears and the remaining film would continue on in a linear sequence.

Ø  – This particular shot is the closest relation to the genre of supernatural horror in our opening sequel as the eerie glow around Piper makes her look like a spirit returning to haunt her friends. The reason is still unknown at this point.

Ø  The shots of the three blurred close-up faces in the flashback scene has a fast, unsteady pace to it which creates a sense of tension, panic and confusion for the audience.

Ø  As a group, we decided to have constant eerie music playing softly in the background of the opening sequel; raising tension and effectiveness of shots dramatically. The use of the sudden thumping sound effect as the bottle stops and points in the direction of the dead spirit is appropriate as it frightens the audience.

Ø  As the credits appear on screen at the beginning of the opening sequel, they are in a black, harsh-edged font which is dark, serious and mysterious.

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