Tuesday 22 November 2016

The Bloody Mirror (Individual Idea)

Idea 3 Horror

The Bloody Mirror

Characters: Lily (12) One of the girls - main character, Sophie (12) Other one of the girls- main character, Emily (16) Lily’s sister - main, Mary (?) Dead corpse - main character, Liz (46) Lily & Emily’s mum - support character, Mark (42) Ghost hunter & Paranormal investigator - Support character.
Setting: Cheshire, UK 2016, 19th Century House.
Camera enters the house and slides up the stairway into Lily's bedroom to see Lily and Sophie laid on her bed talking in their onesies. They're talking about their favourite Disney channel shows and who they fancy and then Lily’s sister, Emily, bursts in and torments Lily saying she’s “such a little girl” and tries to embarrass her sister. Lily, clearly embarrassed, tries to stand up to Emily and show that she's a big girl. Emily tells Lily that if she wants to be a big girl then she should do the Bloody Mary challenge because "everyone in her year has already done it at least twice” Lily is hesitant at first but she and Sophie agree to do it. They go into the bathroom and Emily sets it all up for them, she unlocks her phone and searches the chant for them to recite. Sophie cleverly makes Emily stay in the room with them “to make sure they don't chicken out” The girls turn the light off and only the several candles light up the room. The girls look into the mirror and repeat the chant 3 times. The candles blow out and the room becomes pitch black, desperate, Emily searches for the door handle; and when she finds it the door won't open. They bang on the door screaming for their mum and then Sophie feels a breath of cold air at the back of her neck, Lily feels an ice-cold hand stroke along her neck and Emily hears a faint yet clear voice of an elderly woman saying “Mary, Mary are you-” then all the girls cry out as the room is shook by the loud, eerie shout of “Here!?” The light then comes back on and the door opens. Their problems don't end there, when they run back to Lily’s room there’s a red liquid on her door, Emily touches it, smells it, then licks it and reveals what they all feared it was; blood. The girls enter Lily’s room and try to calm down and think of how they can explain what has just happened and try to conclude that it was fake, as they talk the camera pans out of the room and standing in front of the door is a ghostly corpse dressed in a black bridal gown with hands dripping red blood. The movie then cuts to the title sequence. The next morning the girls try to tell their mum what had happened but she doesn't believe them. Liz tells the girls that they're no longer allowed sweets or sugary snacks before bed, no horror films or staying up late. The phone rings and it is Sophie’s mum ringing up to say that Sophie refuses to go to bed because of the game Emily made them play last night and how they awoke a ghost. Liz shouts at Emily and grounds her. Later that night, Lily in the middle of the night wakes up and goes to the toilet, rubbing her eyes and forgetting about the haunting that took place there. She washes her hands and turns the tap off and dries her hands, as she drys her hands the tap starts running again, so she turns it off, turns the light off and walks out of the bathroom, after a few steps out of the bathroom and she hears the tap running again, she turns it off and goes back into bed. She lies in bed, rolls over and hears the tap running again, she immediately wakes up and stares out onto the landing, the camera zooms into Lily's face who looks very frightened and then cuts to a shot of the landing and then Lily peering round her doorframe at the side of the camera, as she looks out the sound of running water stops, she goes back to sleep and then feels droplets falling onto her face and they get faster and faster, she wakes up to see the shadow of the a bridal woman in the corner of her room near the door. She screams, throws the duvet over her face, Liz runs in and hugs Lily and asks what's wrong, she points to the door saying there was a woman in a black dress standing there but Liz sees her black Parker coat and tells the girls that these silly games have to stop. The next morning when the girls are at school and Liz is busy cleaning the house, Liz puts her earphones in and is busy hoovering her living room, amidst the hoovering a cool air seems to surround the house despite all windows being closed, Liz begins to shiver but simply turns the heating on and carries on hoovering. After a morning of hoovering, Liz sits down in her tidy living room and enjoys a cup of tea and readymade sandwich, as she drinks her tea and reads a magazine the sound of a mug smashing in the kitchen grabs her attention, Liz jumps up to see what caused the noise, a cubboard is swinging open and a mug has smashed on the floor, due to the door swinging Liz checks if anyone is in the house, she opens the door and the camera faces her outside of the house and a black silhouette can be seen standing behind Liz near the staircase, Liz closes the door suspiciously and then turns around and the silhouette is no longer stood by the stairs. Confused and slightly scared, Liz decides to clear up the mug shards, as she picks up the pottery shards she sees red blood and looks at her fingers but they aren't bleeding, she throws the broken mug back down, screams and walks out of the kitchen. Liz shouts around her house trying to expose an intruder but no one answers, the camera zooms towards Liz’s face as her hoover, which she unplugged, rolls behind her and stops at the stairwell. Liz falls in fear and sits on the bottom step, staring at the hoover in fear and confusion, the camera stays facing Liz until the sound of a door slamming shut grabs her attention and both Liz and the camera stare at the second floor. Liz slowly walks up the staircase to locate which room has been entered, she opens every door but finds nothing, until she reaches the final door; Lily’s room, however her door won't open as if it is locked and Liz tries jiggling the door handle but no matter how much force she uses the door won't open. She stands back tired from trying to open the door and then her hoover suddenly turns on and the sound of pans and glass being thrown echo from downstairs, the door handle then starts jiggling from inside of Lily’s room, terrified Liz runs into her own room and shuts the door behind her and locks it. The Bloody Mary chant starts echoing around the house growing louder and louder and house begins to shake. The camera moves closer and closer to Liz hiding behind the door, cutting from shots of her hiding behind the door and the camera moving towards the door. The chant shouts “Are you here” and the camera cuts to the girls entering the house after coming home from school. The household objects stop moving, the kitchen calms down and the voice immediately stops and Lily’s room door swings open. Emily calls out for Liz and Lily goes to look into the kitchen, Liz then darts out of her room, and hugs the girls telling them they're going to stay at their grandma’s for a while. The scene ends with the camera fading from a shot of the family hugging. The next scene is of the family driving up the drive of a country house belonging to their grandma’s and then cuts to them unloading their bags and dropping them off in the hallway. The camera then fades out using aerial shots of the girls unpacking the car to then cuts to a montage where Emily is texting, Lily is setting her teddys on her bed and Liz and her mother are in the kitchen talking about the haunting whilst Janet washes her dishes and Liz dries the dishes. Janet suggests that Liz should look at calling a Paranormal Investigator Company to check the house. Liz thinks about it, staring blankly and then looking into the sink to grab another bowl but instead sees a reflection of a ghostly figure in the water, she drops the bowl and it smashes, the camera films Liz looking into the distance debating on what to do. The film cuts to a suitcase being placed on the ground and then pans upwards to reveal a man (Mark the ghost hunter) staring at the house, he then walks in and is greeted by the family and they show him round, tell him the stories of the events that took place in the rooms and describe the Ghost Woman to Mark and how the hauntings all started. Mark then calls for his team and they arrive in a van to drop off his equipment and they help him set up for his investigation, the girls watch him and stare at his equipment whilst he sets it all out and explains what each one does and then tells the family to go about their lives normally and he will stop whatever thing haunts this house from terrorising them. The film cuts to Liz tucking the girls in bed and then tucking herself into her bed (a mattress, duvet and a couple of pillows on the floor in the girl's room) and then turning off the light. The camera pans out of the room and under the floor to cut to Mark sat with a lit candle lighting up the room and a ouija board in front of him and begins calling out to the ghost. He gets nothing but still tries and he makes his voice louder and more stern, all of a sudden the candle flickers, he then asks if he is in the presence of the ghost who’s been haunting the family, the door swings slamming shut and his hands follow the piece onto yes. He begins asking the spirit questions as to why she is haunting them “because they called out” is her response. Mark asks if she will leave them but instead the table flips up, the ouija board flies across the room and the candle spills wax burning Mark’s leg. The curtains start ripping down from the hanger and the TV turns on but fails to tune and instead crackles, the radio in the kitchen begins playing through different stations, the family hear this and their quilts get pulled off with Lily's bed tipping over sideways, they try to run to find Mark, except the bedroom door swings shut on them and traps them in the room, Mark tries to go for the door to escape his room but his burn slows him down and a chair slides in front of the door. he struggles to push the chair away from the door but as he gets closer to freeing himself the room gets colder and a black silhouette catches his eye near the fallen curtains, in shock he slips and falls over. The silhouette starts pacing towards him and he struggles to find his feet and the shadow gets closer and closer before he leaps up, heaves the chair away from the door and runs out of the room and closes the door in the ghosts face just in time. Hearing the shouting upstairs he calls out to check on them, Liz shouts through the door and asks for his help, Mark hobbles up the stairs and tries to break the door down. He breaks through and rescues the girls they then all flee the house and just stare through the windows from the outside. The camera pans through the house to reveal torn carpets and wallpaper and broken rooms full of broken furniture. The camera then pans back downstairs to see the family stood in the hallway with Mark going to see what his cameras picked up, Mark believes that in order to rid the house of the ghost they must all do the chant again and force it out. The same night Mark sets up candles in the room and makes sure the room is ready to call out, the 4 of them make their way to the bathroom, crowd round and begin the chant. The same happens with the room fading and when the lights turn on the ghosts face looks out to them through the mirror, blood starts trickling down from the mirror and suddenly the face disappears and an eerie voice starts chanting behind them, they look around and the ghost figure is stood behind them, they run for the door and into the hallway except standing at the opposite end is the ghost once again. Mark calls out ordering her to leave and grabs a crucifix from his bag, Mark's yelling angers the ghost and the main light's bulb burst causing spits of fire to fall on the family ande the house to become dark. A voice echoes around the room, Mark paces around all directions pointing his cross into the shadows trying to force the spirit out of hiding, trying to help Emily uses her IPhone torch light for guidance but as soon as she opens it the ghosts face appears right in front of her, she screams and falls back bumping her head, Lily tries to run into her room but the ghost points at her and the door shuts in her face. Panicked, Liz tries to protect her children but the ghost starts walking towards the girls, Mark starts pointing the cross at the ghost and as he get closer the ghost starts screaming trying to scare off Mark, whilst this is happening, the mirror which the girls performed the chant to starts cracking, Mark carries on fearless and is more determined to beat her, the house starts shaking and the wooden banister starts to splinter, door handles rapidly shake and the mirror’s crack grows and grows the closer Mark gets to the ghost. With one more shout and and step the house uncontrollably shakes and the floorboards crack throwing Mark of his feet, the mirror fully cracks open, the ghost's eyes widen and her mouth gapes, her face becomes lifeless with a painful expression and the sound of shattered glass rings around the house. The ghost victimises Lily and tries to grab her but her silhouetted body cracks, Mark yells "I condem you to hell" and she stops in her tracks, her body cracks even more and fades into a dark corner. With one final scream the figure of the ghost disappears. The house finally stills and the family begin to stand and form a group hug and Mark slouches resting on the broken bannister grabbing his breath. The scene fades into a black canvas. The scene fades with a For Sale sign being hammered into the ground and a paperboy cycles by and throws a newspaper onto the front step, the camera follows the paper and reveals the image and article of haunting at the house, the estate agent picks up the paper and bins it. The camera pans out of the bin and shows Liz, Emily and Lily walking together along a path and then up a street towards a new house, they look at the house (with the camera filming from the back of their heads) and have a tight hug before walking into the house. The camera pans up over the house into a bright blue sky to create a white image over the camera and the film rolls the end credits. THE END.

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