Tuesday 22 November 2016

Mates Before Dates (Individual Idea)

Idea 1 Chick Flick 

Mates Before Dates 

Characters: Amy (16) One of the girls - main character, Maddy (16) Other one of the girls- main character, Jennifer (39) Amy’s mum - supporting character, Cody (16) The boyfriend - Main character, Julian (16) Amy’s best friend - comedy role. Setting: Malibu, California - 2016 
Two teenage girls are sat at Costa discussing school, trends, fashion and the new guys they're seeing. They talk about how they're perfect and decide that they'll meet up after their dates this weekend and then plan a double date. The scene cuts to Amy getting ready in her room for her date and music plays over the montage of her getting ready then cuts to Jennifer driving Amy through to Cody’s. The music stops when the car door shuts, Amy walks up towards the house but only gets halfway up the drive before the door opens to reveal Cody redoing his belt and leaving Maddy’s house. Amy stares in disgust and confusion before Maddy then follows redoing her hair. The girls argue and Amy sees what has happened and leaves in tears and drives off. Maddy then kisses Cody again, Cody pulls away and walks off guilty and the camera pans onto Maddy’s face who smiles and walks back into her house. Amy locks herself away and when Jennifer tries to talk to Amy she simply shuts her out and the family life becomes difficult and distant. The next week at school Amy ignores Maddy and avoids all confrontation with her and Cody, instead she hangs out with Julian and tells him everything that's happened. Julian goes to talk to Maddy but she instead acts like she's proud of what happened and tells him she doesn't regret it or that she's sorry. Julian tells Maddy that she's been a terrible friend and the whole friendship is over. Cody tries to talk to Amy but she gives him the hard shoulder and doesn't listen to him, Julian returns and sasses Cody away, as Cody gets sassed away he shouts to Amy to meet him by the lake where they first went on a date. However Maddy overhears what Cody said and flicks her hair with another cunning smile. The camera cuts to show Cody stood on the decking near the river staring out, he turns as he hears someone however it turns out to be Maddy not Amy. Maddy starts to manipulate Cody and try and make him come onto her again however he backs away and tells her to leave but she throws herself at him, he tries to push her off and grabs her hand to throw her off him but just at this moment Amy arrives and walks into seeing Cody holding Maddy’s hand, she totally misreads the situation and calls Cody a “jerk” and leaves in tears- once again hurt and showing it on her face. The next scene is back at the school where everyone is getting ready for Easter and Julian and Amy are talking and how after the break she hopes for a better term where she's happier with no one to hurt her. Olivia (Amy & Julian’s friend) tells the two that Maddy is dating Cody. Maddy then walks past them and sees Amy and kisses Cody in front of her. Amy looks away and Olivia stands up to Maddy but she brushes it off and replied with a snide comment. Cody scowls at Maddy telling her “To stop being like that" and asks "Why she's got to upset his friends” and breaks his hand away and walks off. Olivia and Julian tell Maddy “To run along” and the scene cuts away. Back at Amy’s house she is on her laptop looking at schools in Florida and there are plane tickets on her desk to Orlando. The next day, and the final week of school before the Easter break, Amy is studying in the library, Cody comes up to her and tells her that he and Maddy are over but Amy doesn't care as she's mad at him for everything and for being with her in the first place. She walks off and Cody grabs her arm and tells her that he's sorry and there was nothing between him and Maddy. She tries to leave again and drops her papers, in a rush she rummages them up and leaves except she doesn't see a folded piece of paper and Cody picks it up and sees the plane ticket to Orlando. The school breaks up for Easter and Amy tells Julian that she won't be coming back and that she's leaving. He tries to make her stay but she tells him the flights are booked and that she's already enrolled. The scene cuts to the airport and Amy and her family are ready to board, Julian and Olivia are waving her off but Jennifer tells her that she doesn't have Amy’s ticket, They run to the boarding gate asking if they can buy a ticket, when they arrive they are met by Cody holding her ticket. He explains to her and tells her his feelings with a long apology. They hug and the movie’s signature song plays. Amy boards and the camera shows Cody, Julian and Olivia waving her off and then the plane disappearing into the clouds as well as an ending shot from Amy’s view and how her sight of the airport and her friends disapears through the clouds. The camera pans away through the clouds and up into the sun and blue sky. The camera pans over with Amy narrating the character's of the movies lives; Maddy is with her group of girls with a new boyfriend, Olivia and Julian, seen together, are still friends and are laughing whilst FaceTiming Amy on a luncbench, Cody has his friends and smiles at Julian and Olivia as his group of friends walk by. The camera also shows Amy happy and talks about how Olivia and Julian visit when they can and FaceTime every night and how her and Cody are working things out and his dad has a business in Orlando and he visits when he can, Amy says she's happy and then jumps onto the sofa with her mum, speaks to the camera and says a significant sentence quoting the movies title. THE END.

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