Tuesday 22 November 2016

Georgina's Story Line Individual Idea We Accept The Love

A girl (Rosalia) is rocking back and forth on the bed. She looks ill and tired with dark circles under her eyes. It cuts to the scene of the morning with a boy (Derek) walking down the street. It shows Rosalia once she has calmed down she is still sat on her bed when a Derek walks past and looks up and waves. Monday morning on the bus she is sat alone when Derek walks on and goes to sit with his friends only to pause when he sees her. Instead he goes and sits next to her. This happens for a few days where they just sit in comfortable silence and he notices she likes music and listens to it on her iPod. He goes home and begins to look up music to show her and then on the bus the next day he shows her. Each day he shows her a new song before talking to her on the Monday morning. He introduces himself and after several minutes Rosalia does the same. Derek invites Rosalia to his dad’s record shop that weekend but she declines even when he asks every day that week until she accepts on the Friday. On the Saturday she turns up and they start going through the records before he begins to play one and he tries to dance with her but she struggles before relaxing a little. He calls her Rose and she laughs admitting she likes his name for her. His dad walks in and offers her a job which she immediately accepts.
As the weeks go on they become closer and closer which is a montage of different clips of the two at the shop or at their houses even on walks through the park only for something to fall out of her jacket pocket which turns out to be drugs. He pulls away from her and it shows their separate lives without each other such as different scenes of her taking drugs and him looking at old pictures of her and growing distant from his friends. She stops showing up to school as well as work and he becomes worried. As the weeks pass by he becomes more worried about her before going back to hers only to find she has been missing for weeks.
He begins to search for her, putting up fliers and using his popularity to get people to help. In class he gets pulled out and the police say that they have found her in the woods. He goes to see her only to be stopped and the police simply say ‘I’m sorry.’ Static noises appear in his ears before he starts running. Ends up at the woods only to see the stretcher being loaded on to the back of an ambulance.
He goes to her funeral along with most of the school’s students and gives a speech telling everyone how you never know what a person’s going to be like until you meet them before telling them if they’d given her a chance at school she’d still be here.
Weeks later he’s not moved from his room when he receives a letter from her which tells him he loves him and it ends with him laying the letter and a single rose on her grave.

First Three Minutes
It starts with a view of a dark lit room before zooming in on the bed where a figure is huddled. She has dark eyes and is softly rocking back and forth. A shot zooms in on her eyes and then zooms back out to her on the bed. It cuts to a guy walking down the street listening to music. It continues to cut between them until it cuts to her window where he looks up and sees her before slowly waving. She stops crying and focuses on the boy. Whilst this is going on the actors names are appearing and fading. It then cuts to black as the title screen comes up. It cuts to her sitting at the bus stop and the boy sits down next to her and smiles before it cuts off as the bus pulls up. As they get on the bus it shows her walking to her usual seat before showing the boy sitting next to her again, ignoring his friends calls from the back. The title screen comes up as the bus pulls away as the shot zooms from the window showing the bus moving away.

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