Monday 21 November 2016

Film Continuity

Film Continuity
What is the 180 degree line of action? –
The 180 degree rule
Image result for the 180 degree rule The 180-degree rule is an imaginary line or the axis of action drawn across the frame or screen. It is the location where the action, the direction and the sightlines of a subject is moving or the character’s direction of vision. Once shooting has begun, the camera operator needs to stay on one side of the line in which they initially started shooting that particular action. There is one way to break this rule and that is to cross the line. This is an example of why the 180 degree rule is important. If the camera was to cross this line in this instance the women would appear to have moved, even though it’s just the camera angle.
Image result for shot reverse shotShot-reverse-shot
Shot-reverse-shot is the different angles of people to present a conversation. This makes a conversation more interesting as it shows varied shots of close-ups, long-shots and mid-shots. This way we can also see different emotions and feelings presented in the shots more clearly. There is an example of shot-reverse-shot in this short clip;
Match on action
Cutting on action or matching on action refers to film editing and video editing techniques where the editor cuts from one shot to another view that matches the first shot's action. There is an example of match-on action in this short clip;

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