Saturday 25 March 2017


EVALUATION Q7 - (Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? )

Evaluation Seven

During our preliminary exersize we followed a character walking down a coridior, opening a door and walking across the room to sit down and have a conversation with somebody else. We had the conversation stick to a couple of lines. We looked at the best ways in order to make our films continuity perfect so that it looked right and that it did not have any characters moving one place to another without an explanation. This allowed us to look at using a 'shot reverse shot' in order to have a conversation between the two characters so that the audience could follow the conversation. We also looked at using the '180- degree rule' so that we didn't break it so that our film didn't look disorted and strange. Also our group looked at using a 'match on action' when the character came into the room and pushed the door handle down so that it showed a closer shot of the action.

For our Preliminary task we didn't have a full idea in which we were going to follow which meant that we didn't have a script. This meant that the filming took longer than it should have and it was a lot more complicated as we had to pause after each line to discuss what we were going to say. We also wasn't sure on how to use the camera and tripod which meant we spent a lot more time setting up than we should have. However this allowed us to learn from the Preliminary task and how importaint it was to prepare what we were planning to do.
Throughout filming we have discovered various types of editing and meathods of filming in order to make our film look proffessional. This meant that our film has progressed a lot since the preliminary task. We have discovered techniques such as a graphic match which makes the scene move a lot smoother and it gives us a way in which to make the film more interesting. However we did use shots such as the 'shot reverse shot' which we discovered through our preliminary.
We have also expanded our knowledge on how to express certain aspects of the film such as the genre or the emotions of a character by using certain shots as well as using music to make the film run smoother and look interesting to an audience. By using close ups of the characters faces it allowed the group to express more emotion and to allow the audience to empathise for them which we used during the falshback's with Bree, Carter and Elias however during the preliminary exersize we stayed with medium and medium long shots.
During our two minute opening we have also discovered how to use jump cuts which we used during the end with Piper to add an atmosphere to the scene which we didn't include in the preliminary as it didn't include much of an atmosphere. During the flashbacks we also made sure that the lighting was dull in order to create a sense of mystery to the scene and allow the film to build on the panic of the group. Overall I believe our group has developed a lot since the first preliminary task and we have used these in order to create a highly developed final product through our research and practice of various skills.

Evaluation 7

Wednesday 22 March 2017


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 
From the start of creating and producing our media product, we used various different forms of technology to help produce an effective product. The main and first form of technology that we used was Blogger. The use of blogger allowed us to collectively upload our ideas, research and the things we had produced to help us keep it all together and build on our ideas. The internet browser Google helped us to research into the genre of Supernatural Horror and its iconology, shots, camera angles etc. It was very effective to use. 

The creation of the script for 'The Remembering' was created on a software app called 'Celtx'. I believe this was an effective and successful software app due to the format of the app being in a script style form which allowed us to create the best script possible to follow. 
Image result for celtx
As we came to filming the first two minutes of our media product we used a Canon 700D camera due to the resolution on the camera to be high quality and the functions of the camera to be easy to use and have it produce some remarkable shots that would express certain aspects of the film. For the news reports during the flashback to Piper's death, we used a VH1 recorder device to get a clear and effective monologue so the audience can understand what the news reporters are stating. After matching the sound up with the footage a radio voice effect was added to the recording to give it an eerie tone. 
Image result for canon 700d     
After completing the filming of the footage we needed to create the first two minutes of the film, we edited the footage on a software app called 'Adobe Premier Pro'. The software app allowed us to edit the footage in various different ways such as trimming clips, editing sound and matching shots to create an effective piece of film sufficiently and accurately and give it an all round professional look and style.  
Image result for adobe premiere pro
With the first two minutes finished, we uploaded it to the popular social media viewing app 'Youtube' as the film could be published to a widespread audience, and for anyone that was filling out our final questionnaire, they could access the film easily and hassle free.  

Our research and all of our ideas were placed upon Blogger throughout the entirety of the process to help us produce 'The Remembering' and allow us to look back and evaluate how successful our media product has become. 

EVALUATION Q6 - (What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?)