Thursday 2 February 2017

Target Audience

Target Audience

Our target audience is teens around the age of 15 and over. We set our horror film as a modern film and included the basic stereotypes that relate to our target audience, such as outfit and idiolect. Supernatural horror films appear to be very popular with worldwide audiences and we followed the elements of a successful horror film such as Sinister and Woman in Black and incorporated them into our film to make it successful and gripping for our target audience. We tried to make our characters
relatable to our target audience and therefore our film more appealing, we dressed our characters in the latest fashion trends as the characters in the film are around the age of 16-17, similar to our target audience, and slang words such as "selfie" and the game "Spin the bottle" are all common in a teenagers idiolect so in order to make our movie appealing for our target audience we incorporated these factors to make it relatable. Our target audience of teenagers aged 15 and over enjoy the fright factor of a horror film and the controversy over whether the stories are true or fictional so we therefore focused on a sub-genre of Supernatural horror using ghosts and the paranormal to attract our target audience and to additionally focus on a specific target audience of teens who enjoy horror ghost and paranormal stories.
Our target audience was teenagers aged 15 and over but we labelled our movie with a certificate of 12A making it available for audiences under 15 and over 12- providing they had adult supervision, this allowed us to open up our audience as well as guaranteeing that our target audience would be able to view our film and aid our success. We believe 12A would be suitable for "The Remembering" as alcohol is used in the opening sequence and some of the events and images that occur in the film may be unsuitable/too frightening for those aged under the certificate. Moreover, despite the use of blood and gore being common in horror films, ours, on the other hand, uses minimal blood and gore and the main images of injury are minimal and are on power during her drowning. Elements such as racial/offensive language, drugs and nudity/sexual actions aren't included in the film and is therefore suitable for our target audience and appropriate for the 12A certificate.     

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