Saturday 25 February 2017

Media Questionnaire

Media Questionnaire



0-11          12-14          15-17              18-24              24-30              31-45               45+

Gender:      Male              Female          Other


Favourite Genre of Film:

Favourite Film:

Where do you usually watch films?

Cinema                     Streaming                 DVD               Online Subscription

How many films do you watch a week?

0-2                  3-5                  7-9                  10+

Please give us a review of the first two minutes of the film:

The Remembering
Opening shot is the camera panning photos across a wall in a room. The camera then slowly pans down to a photo frame with a pamphlet next to it revealing it to be from a funeral. The camera then journeys through the house listing the actors in the film. The camera travels through the house and introduces a group of friends hosting a memorial party for their friend who they begin talking about in memory. The group of friends continue their conversation before deciding to take a group selfie to make the anniversary of their friend’s death. The group stand and pose and take the picture. As the camera flashes the scene cuts to the flash of a police report and the photo of a dead body (Piper’s). A montage runs of the police report whilst an audio plays of the police notes. As the police complete their report, a CSI agent prepares a white cover to mask the dead body, as the CSI officer wafts the cover the film cuts back to the memorial and the group are laying out a while cloth for a party game. The group start to play spin the bottle, as they spin the empty bottle the camera captures a dark silhouette pass by the door frame. The group carrying on growing excited over the game whilst an audio of eerie whispers ring through the camera. Creepy music plays as the camera slows down the spinning of the bottle and the group’s smiles and facial expressions are slowed, the film then speeds up and the bottle stops spinning and points out of the room and appears to point at the balcony. The friends look up and the silhouette of Piper’s ghost is stood staring back at them. The friends are shocked in fear and stare blankly unable to move. The lights then flicker off but turn back on to reveal Piper missing, the fiends are shook and hold onto each other frightened at what's just happened. Then all of a sudden shot glasses fall off the table and shatter, amidst the shards of glass one of the friends pick up a note reading ‘My death was because of you’. As one friend reads the note another picks up a photo of Piper with the 4 of them, as she stares at it the sound of glasses echoes around the room, frightened they look at each other for comfort. The friend with the photo then looks back to see it cracked with a silhouette of Piper stood at the opposite end of the room. With a loud ringing of eerie music the title sequence rolls. THE REMEMBERING


What genre do you think this film would be?

What certificate do you think this film would be?

Would you watch the film? Do you think it sounds interesting?

What music would you expect to contain?

What setting do you expect to see in the film?

What images do you associate with this film?

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