Thursday 2 February 2017

Target Audience for 'The Remembering'

The audience for ‘The Remembering’ is for anyone who is interested in and enjoys horror/supernatural films. The target is for the audience to be young teenagers/adults as it is full of tension and suspense and for the younger generation this should bring a sense of excitement, this doesn’t however eliminate the older generation from seeing the film. The film is rated a 12a due to the following aspects:
·         The themes in the film are mature which means it is suitable for ages that are 12 and above, and the treatment of the film is also suitable for young teenagers.
·         The use of strong language/taboo language, for example “F***”, is irregular within the film due to the audience being 12a. There is no racist language within the film.
        Nudity is allowed, but there is a minimal amount of it throughout the film and any reference to sexual occurrence is discreet making it acceptable for younger teenagers to watch the film as they will have heard and been taught of sex within school.
        Violence is minimalistic so it does not inhabit a lot of injuries or blood. This is so it is not as disturbing for the younger audience that it will draw in. The main injuries are on Piper when she is dead.
        There is some threat and danger, including scary scenes which are quite tense and last a while. The only occasional gory moments are when Piper’s death happens.
        There is no drug use within the film making it appropriate for the audience as it cannot have any influential impacts on the young teenagers that will watch the film.
        The film as a whole does not support the use of language or behaviour that would offend a person whether it be religion, colour, sex, sexuality or incapacity. “Aggressive use of this type of language and behaviour is unacceptable unless it is clearly disapproved of”. This means that it is suitable for our audience of younger teenagers/adults and allowing the film to have a certificate of 12a.

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