Monday 5 December 2016

15 minute Analysis

The image is of a young girl in a white dress which appears to be stained with blood, her black hair also appears to be wet and droops down her head, her skin is pale and the room she is in is dingy, broken and stained with blood and has damp floorboards. These elements of the image give a spooky and ghostly atmosphere and convey the film's, Sinister 2, genre; horror. Furthermore, during the sequence the ghostly girl wanders around and has creepy child laughter playing over the top which also conveys the sub-genre of a Supernatural horror. The opening title sequence alone presents the film to have a theme of ghosts and creates an unsettling and scary feel to the following film. 

The second image from the opening title sequence is of the logo for the film's distributor. Blumhouse Productions is an American film production company famous for production low-budget horror films and incorporate their logo into the film in the style of the ghostly horror genre. BH Productions appears under a swinging, flickering light printed on the stained, murky walls where only the logo can be seen and the rest of the image is hidden in the shadows lurking like a ghost. The use of colours used in the sequence cleverly matches the sub-genre as the logo shows up in a light blue/white whilst the walls behind it are hidden by a dark green/black colour scheme and hide in the shadows.

This image is from the opening clip of the movie and implies violence to the film's plot as well as a Christian-religious link to the film as well as Pagan/Satanic link through the use of 3 crucifixes and the burning of them. This immediately introduces the audience to the plot of the film and creates a scary atmosphere making the audience feel fear and unease. The bright light from the fire captures the attention and focus of the audience whilst the setting of the shot is hidden in the dark from the night sky.

The image is of "Bughuul", the Pagan demon who is haunting the family in the film. Due to Sinister 2 being the sequel of the previous film the audience are informed that this film will follow the storyline of the original film and the powers of Bughuul will be present. Bughuul's entrance matches the horror sub-genre and plays off the stereotype of the monster in the closet/under the bed, Bughuul's spirit-white face breaks through the dark shadows in the wardrobe and is centred in the middle of the shot gaining the attention and being the focus. Bughuul's movements are ghost like and he slowly creeps and fades into the show creating a spooky atmosphere and conveying his scare factor. Bughuul early on in the film begins to haunt the characters and equally the audience.   

This image further evidences the film's sub-genre and the sense of ghosts and hauntings. The image shows Dylan and the ghost of Dylan haunting him in his room, this image could imply that the hauntings are surrounding Dylan and he is the plot revolves around Dylan. This image is used as a jump scare in the film which is a primary element of a good horror film, in addition to this, the use of a ghost Dylan and the dead, rotting, ghostly makeup used further presents the sub-genre and creates a spooky edge. This is a great opening scene as it matches the genre of the film as well as introducing the haunted character and grips the audience as well as frightening them.    

This unusual screenshot is used to introduce one of the characters and at the same time creates a character profile of him. Paying attention to little detail, Deputy enters the film from his car and then begins to tie his lace all being filmed from a close-up rising from his feet up to his head. The action of him tying his lace on his shoe could imply that Deputy is quite a muddled character and isn't assertive as his character name and position would convey him to. Instead of striding out of the car with determination he instead cautiously steps out, ties his lace then looks around with a confused and concerned expression conveying his muddled character.  

To further evidence the Christian-religious link to the film, this image is based in a confessional booth holding a Sacrament of Penance and conveys the horror film is based around the supernatural world and religious; i.e. Ghosts and Pagan demons. Most modern horror films include priests who deliver the famous "Condemn you to hell" line and by Deputy seeking the help of a priest the audience are informed that he is linked to Bughuul's hauntings and is in need of help. This scene also makes Sinister 2 follow and include the basic elements of a modern supernatural horror film.

This basic image simply introduces the characters in the film and plays off the stereotype of the family being haunted where a family is incomplete or constantly arguing. In this case the family is a single mum with her two boys, of similar ages, whose dad has left through a heavy divorce and the 3 of them are gradually trying to restart their life. Obviously they are open for haunting from Bughuul and their introduction is used to inform the audience of a stereotypical plot and to introduce the characters.

 Following on from the description of the last image, this image suggests that the family of 3 are being tracked by someone and are trying to escape from something/someone or just their past. This is also used to introduce the plot to the audience and convey that the single mothered family have other problems as well as the haunting from Bughuul.

This image is used to introduce the location of the film and create the setting. Once again the film plays of the stereotypes of a modern horror film and this struggling family live in a remote location in a large and glamorous country house. This links to the family trying to re-start their lives and have isolated themselves as well as linking to the implement that the family are trying to escape something. Furthermore, this isolated and remote location is a perfect area for Bughuul to unleash his haunting powers.    

Following on from the previous image, the house that the family of 3 are living in is linked to a police investigation and the investigation over Bughuul. This boosts the plot and the house that the family live in holds links to Bughuul and is guaranteed to contain paranormal events and holds the haunting. The photo of the house itself appears to be an older photo than the ones around it suggesting that the events that happened are from a long time ago which additionally conveys the plot and grips the audience.      

To further convey the plot and the link between the house and Bughuul, on the same police investigation board, pictures of Bughuul and his pagan sign are pinned around. This grips the audience and creates suspense as Bughuul's next appearance and apparitions and hauntings could come at any time. In addition, cleverly, the photos on the investigation board are from the photos from the first Sinister film conveying that the sequel directly follows on from the previous film. 

This image links back to the Christian-religious link to the film and the Church alter and crucifix symbolises a church and a religious element to the film. This shot creates the setting of the film and conveys the religious and supernatural genre of the film. Most modern horror films base their storylines around religion and Bughuul is a pagan demon therefore the film has a religious link to it. Courtney is alone in the abandoned church when hauntings and paranormal events begin happening gripping the audience and creating a tense and frightening atmosphere and pull on the film. The church is also used as a plot device as well as setting and for the religious link and this is just an introduction of its apparitions. 


This eerie and final image depicts the hauntings that surround Dylan and that the church has a frightening past where ghostly blood stains the floor. To emphasise the fright factor the oozing blood isn't actually flooding the church and is in fact a ghostly apparition that only Dylan can see this creepy scare grips the audience and builds the suspense in the film and conveys Dylan's role in the film and his vulnerability from Bughuul's hauntings. This can be used as a plot device and equally represent the genre of the film as blood is common for horror films and the fact that this blood is hidden to all but Dylan conveys a ghostly form to the blood portraying the supernatural element of the film.

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