Wednesday 21 December 2016

Supernatural Horror Films- Storylines (Individual)

Supernatural horror always include an element of a mysterious presence that people don't know about and are confused by. It tries to deal with the unknown and questions they bring up which often causes a religious element to the story.  The ending is usually a circular structure ending up with the main character dying which is usually the cause of the creature from the movie. Supernatural movies are often suspenseful which is a major part of the story line as it will contain jump scares and emphasis the unknown. Some key points of a story line during a supernatural horror is;
Demonic Possession
This usually involves a vengeful spirit that decides to use a human body to us as their puppet. It usually involves a couple that moves into a house and it is usually a child that is possessed to add to the element of shock.

This usually involves a town that has an old legend of some kind that involves an old woman who has some sort of past that means she has a vengeance with the people of the town. Usually during this story line several people will be killed before they discover what is going on and it usually ends with the protagonist being killed.
This ties in with the demonic possession story line with a child being posses where people will try various ways to try and exorcise the demon. This story line often ends up with several characters  dying toward the end of the film. 

A Ghost or Presence Of A Ghost
This involves a spiritual figure attached to a certain object or location however it is mainly just a house which it tends to haunt. There is often a horrific backstory behind the ghost such as The Others as the main characters are ghosts however they don't know that and it turns out they died during the war.

The film will often include someone that doesn't believe in the supernatural things going on around them whilst some will go mad because they can see or do things that others can't. A common theme is that the film will have an aspect of revenge from the vengeful spirits which will make the structure of the film as it will give the spirit or creature a motive to begin.

A main part of the supernatural horror films is that it builds tension with eerie and evocative worlds. To do this it often includes hidden features such as a figure in a mirror or someones silhouette hid  behind the protagonist. It makes people believe in the supernatural because of the natural settings such as houses or woods.

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